If you suffer from Bruxism (the habit of grinding your teeth together or clenching your jaw-commonly occurs at night but can effect persons throughout the day) you may be aware that there are companies online that can make true custom fitted night guards based on a dental impression of your teeth just like the dentist office for a lot less. But just like anything else online, you'll want to proceed with caution. Here we take a look at a company that is quickly moving ahead of the others with it's fast turn around, excellent customer service and consistency in providing the same quality product every time.
Established in 2011, Sentinel Mouthguard Co. has been recognized by many for it's ability to give customers a satisfying experience from start to finish. "Our product is not the mouth guard. The mouth guard is a commodity. The product is the overall experience. The product is how a customer feels about the entire interaction when they walk away with their commodity. That's what we're selling. We're providing an easy and cost effective way for people to get quality custom fit night guards and mouth guards and we really strive to make a positive lasting impression." -Kenny Porter, Marketing Director at Sentinel Mouthguard Co.
(From the company website)
We offer several custom-fitted sleep guard options to satisfy every persons unique grinding habits. Your dental anatomy is unlike any other. Over the counter boil & bite night guards, simply put, cannot be molded to your mouth for a true fit. If you have tried the over the counter stock type, you have probably realized the inability to wear it comfortably at night. We offer true, custom-fitted night guards, based on a dental impression of your teeth, at a fraction of the cost of a dental office. A night guard is the only known effective method that relieves & resolves the problems associated with teeth grinding. Combat against tooth damage, alignment issues, occlusal/chewing surface flattening, headaches, jaw pain, and soreness. We provide quality products & outstanding customer service. Here is a recent real review from a happy customer!
"When I was first told that I grind my teeth at night, I was getting my teeth cleaned and the dentist came in for the routine check up. He told me that I have tiny fracture lines on my molars from grinding my teeth together at night. I was completely unaware that I performed this sort of action in my sleep. I decided this wasn't something that should require me to spend $850 (that was the dentist cost) on a new night guard. So I forgot about it and several months went by until I started waking up in the morning with headaches, and jaw pain. Still unwilling to spend $850 on a plastic appliance for my teeth, I started looking at alternative options. There were several online companies that promised to make the exact custom fit night guard found in dental offices for a lot less. I was skeptical. I researched each company closely and even called a few to get a feel for each one. Sentinel Mouthguard Co. had the right look and feel. The staff was friendly and knowledgable. They had a professional,clean website that's easy to navigate. Nice pictures and content. I purchased a dual laminated night guard and received a courteous email with instructions for the impression process, a contact number in case I had any questions and a link to an instructional video. A few days later, I received a package in the mail that contained two plastic trays, one white putty pak, and one purple colored putty pak and a return mailer. The instructions were easy enough. It's not rocket science. I mixed the putty together, placed it in the tray and took my own dental impression. I used the envelope that was already labeled and stamped, & mailed it back to Sentinel. About a week later, I received my new night guard. It fits to a T. I'm happy with the overall experience. It took about two weeks from start to finish to get my product and I saved roughly $700 in the process."
Steven T.
Royal Oaks, MI