Have You Ever Seen God Underwater?

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When  I was a kid my parents learned to scuba dive at a local place called The Scuba Shop. At the time I was too young to get certified, but my parents got into scuba pretty heavily. My whole life I had grown up around water. I was only two years old the first time I went water skiing. (I have the 8mm film to prove it!) Naturally, when my parents started scuba diving I was around other divers and often on dive boats with my parents

Shortly after my parents were certified the Skin Diver magazines started rolling in and I was fascinated by all the pictures. One destination that came up very often was Cozumel, Mexico. I remember feeling like I would never get to go there or see something like that. Fast forward a decade or so and I have now had the pleasure of scuba diving in Cozumel several times. While the magazine pictures were really good, they just cannot convey the sights and feeling you have while diving in such an underwater paradise.

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